4:20 PM -- I’m pleased to highlight that Heavy Reading recently released the Ethernet Executive Council State-of-the-Industry, 2Q 2012 report, which provides valuable insight from senior service and technology experts, from operators around the world, who are shaping the direction of carrier Ethernet and cloud services markets. This is one of four new Ethernet-related reports published by Heavy Reading. The others include: (1) Carrier Ethernet Service & Technology Trends & Issues: Europe 2012, (2) Carrier Ethernet Switch/Router Quarterly Market Tracker, and (3) a Heavy Reading Insider report on industry views of the MEF’s carrier Ethernet 2.0 initiative titled Survey: Operators Like CE 2.0, But Won’t Rush to Implementation.
If you are a service provider, a network solutions provider, or an investor in companies providing carrier Ethernet services or technologies, the Ethernet Executive Council (EEC) State-of-the-Industry report is an important piece of market research that you should have because it is based on feedback from many of the key movers-and-shakers in the Carrier Ethernet industry. The report sheds light on the health of the Ethernet retail, wholesale, and mobile backhaul services markets and spotlights important service and technology trends. For example, the pricing environment for Ethernet and other wireline data services did not change significantly between October 2011 and April 2012, according to survey feedback, but Council members generally have continued to experience more price pressure with Ethernet and wavelength services than with legacy metro TDM leased lines, which are gradually phasing out.
Currently, 123-plus executives and other senior professionals from 74-plus service providers worldwide are members of the global Ethernet Executive Council organized by Heavy Reading. Nearly 70 of these experts from more than 50 companies participated in the most recent EEC survey. Sixty-four percent of respondents are involved in corporate management, marketing or product management, while 36 percent are CTOs, vice presidents of technology or engineering, or other senior technologists.
The EEC survey consisted of 29 questions fairly evenly split between Carrier Ethernet service and technology topics. Service-related questions covered market growth expectations, pricing trends, service differentiators, SLA requirements, impediments to market growth, and other retail, wholesale, and mobile backhaul service topics. Technology-related questions covered 14 different innovations; test/trial/deployment activity involving nine next-generation technologies like 100G optical transport, 100GE, OTN switching, and MPLS-TP; preferred solutions for mobile backhaul; and other important service management and network infrastructure topics.
We plan to launch our third EEC State-of-the-Industry survey in September 2012 with the goal of receiving feedback prior to Light Reading’s Ethernet Expo Americas 2012, which will be held in New York City from Nov. 6 to 8.
If you are a senior service provider expert interested in participating in the Council program, including the next survey, please email me at [email protected].
The EEC program currently is supported by Platinum sponsors Ciena and Overture Networks and Gold sponsors Actelis Networks, MRV, RAD Data Communications and Telco Systems. Companies interested in learning more about sponsoring the program should feel free to contact me at the email address above as well.
— Stan "EtherMan" Hubbard, Senior Analyst, Heavy Reading; Ethernet Executive Council Program Coordinator; and Chairman, Ethernet Americas 2012