SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Xilinx, Inc. (NASDAQ:XLNX), the world's leading supplier of programmable logic solutions and inventor of the FPGA, today unveiled a revolutionary new architecture that will enable rapid, cost-effective deployment of multiple domain-specific FPGA platforms with an optimal blend of features. At the heart of the ASMBL architecture is a modular framework of silicon subsystems, enabling a new FPGA development methodology for rapid and cost-effective deployment of platforms targeted to different application domains. As a result, customers will have a greater selection of devices, and will benefit from an up to 10x increase in capability for a given price point.
Xilinx plans to base future Xilinx Platform FPGAs on the new architecture. Built on more than 100 new technical innovations, the next generation Virtex Series Platform, slated for first half of 2004, will be the first FPGA family to embody the new architecture. The new domain-specific devices will deliver more than 1B transistors in a single device. With today's news, Xilinx expects to radically alter the technical and business dynamics for the $5.1B programmable logic and $23B ASIC and ASSP markets, setting a new price-capability standard for platform-based system design.
"This next generation, highly flexible platform FPGA architecture is the logical evolution of Xilinx technology - and is poised to revolutionize the electronics industry. Today's announcement is yet another indication that Xilinx will remain a key player in the industry forefront," said Jerry Worchel, senior analyst at In-Stat/MDR. "With this new architecture Xilinx has once again exhibited its ability to radically address designers' most pressing needs, giving them more alternatives than even before and the highest value solution at a given price point."
"The ASMBL architecture holds the key to accelerating our broad expansion of platform FPGAs into markets previously served by ASICs and ASSPs," said Erich Goetting, vice president and general manager of the Advanced Product Group at Xilinx. "With ASMBL, Xilinx is adopting a highly-efficient FPGA development model for delivering off-the-shelf, flexible solutions ideally suited to different application domains."
The new highly modular ASMBL architecture makes use of advanced flip-chip packaging technology and eliminates geometric layout constraints associated with traditional chip design such as hard dependencies between I/O count and fabric array size. The ASMBL architecture also addresses the increasingly more stringent requirements for on-chip power and ground distribution by allowing power and ground to be placed anywhere on the chip. As a result, Xilinx can significantly accelerate the development time and increase reliability when developing platform FPGAs.
"Moore's Law as well as advances in packaging technologies continue to propel programmable logic to new heights of capacity and performance" said Wim Roelandts, chairman and chief executive officer at Xilinx, Inc. "The ASMBL architecture will allow Xilinx to further penetrate the $23B billion dollar ASIC and ASSP markets with aggressive cost points never before possible. Our customers will benefit through significantly increased capabilities for given price points, greater flexibility and lower costs."
Xilinx Inc.