Trivia Time!
How does your cable lore stack up against the experts?
Congrats go out to "Team NAMIC," winner of the first-ever "Cable Center Showdown" at The Cable Center in Denver, and one of the lead-up events to tonight's Cable Hall of Fame induction/gala.
In a more heated-than-expected event held Wednesday afternoon, the group sponsored by National Association for Multi-ethnicity in Communications (NAMIC) was equally quick with the buzzer and with their cable lore, beating out teams sponsored by three other cable orgs: Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing (CTAM) , Cable Positive , and Women in Cable Telecommunications (WICT).
Think you can match trivia wits with this group? I jotted down some of the questions asked during the event, and here's a sampling. The answers are further below.
What did NAMIC originally stand for?
When was WICT founded?
In which city did some cable brass spawn the idea for CTAM?
What year was cable TV born?
What did the "CATV" acronym originally stand for?
What was the first movie to be shown on HBO?
ESPN's original acronym
What is QUBE?
What is "Docsis" an acronym for?
National Association of Minorities in Cable.
The provided correct answer was New Orleans, but the crowd, including a couple who were actually there, argued that the idea for CTAM was spawned at the Hilton at the Chicago O'Hare airport... So I guess we'll go with that.
Community Antenna Television.
Entertainment and Sports Program Network
The first interactive television service, which happened to feature a quirky-looking remote control.
Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification – yes, engineers, not marketers, came up with that one.
How did you do? I got about half of them right. Steve Santamaria, a cable vet late of Vyyo Inc. (Nasdaq: VYYO) and now in the consulting biz, sat next to me during the event, and I can confirm that he batted at least .900 – surely Hall of Fame-type numbers.
— Jeff Baumgartner, Site Editor, Cable Digital News
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