Mercy Me! Get My Lawyer!
Two writers charge discrimination, but we think the issue may have been their prose style.
June 17, 2005
9:15 AM -- The Indianapolis Star reports that it's being sued:
Two former editorial writers at The Indianapolis Star have sued the newspaper and its owner, Gannett Co., claiming religious, racial and age discrimination.
In a lawsuit filed Tuesday in federal court, former editorial board members James Patterson and Lisa Coffey said top newsroom managers "consistently and repeatedly demonstrated... a negative hostility toward Christianity."
"A negative hostility." Worst kind.
"Lisa and I aren't the only employees that have been driven away from this company and we thought it was time for someone to say 'Goodness gracious. This isn't right,' " Patterson said.
Sorry, Jim. The time for someone to say "Goodness Gracious" was 1912.
— Larry, Attack Monkey, Light Reading
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