CALABASAS, Calif. -- Ixia (Nasdaq: XXIA), a leading provider of high-speed, multiport network performance analysis and network monitoring systems, today announced the ANVL™ IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) conformance test suite, the first conformance testing tool to address the next generation Internet Protocol. The ANVL IPv6 test suite is the latest addition to the wide variety of protocol conformance test suites supported by the Automated Network Validation Library (ANVL). ANVL has proven an indispensable tool in the development of networking devices by validating protocol implementation, and is utilized by leading network equipment manufacturers, Internet service providers, and embedded stack developers for communications processors. "IPv6 addresses many of the industry’s urgent needs as the use of mobile networked devices becomes ubiquitous, such as the requirement for flexibility in assigning IP addresses automatically to handheld computers, PDAs, mobile phones, and other wireless devices," said Eran Karoly, vice president of marketing for Ixia. "IPv6 conformance testing is an essential part of developing today’s networking devices. With the introduction of the ANVL IPv6 test suite, Ixia is leading the way in helping network equipment manufacturers conform to these emerging standards."Ixia