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How Huawei went from Chinese startup to global 5G power
A new book by the Washington Post's Eva Dou is a comprehensive and readable account of Huawei's rapid rise on the world's telecom stage.
VOIP is all about the bare midriff.
3:45 PM -- VOIP is all about the bare midriff.
And though that statement doesn't make sense on its own, with the help of Scott Hobin, account manager and resident staff photographer at Hula Networks, I've compiled a few select Hula images from this week's VON show to help turn my nonsensical phrase into a technology truism.
Or whatever.
Isn't it nice to see two sweet Hula girls getting along? Right next to each other. Slowly.
The VON show's big kahuna, Jeff Pulver (far left), asks one unsuspecting Hula girl if she knows what it means to be "Pulver-ized". Sounds unpleasant.
Oh, no. Look at those three Hula girls stranded at a booth all alone. Don't worry! I'll save you!
The Hula girl on the far left looks like she's got a little Elvis lip curl thing happening there. "Thank yuh. Thankyuhveruhmuch."
The stripes are slimming. Sort of.
The shirttails-out extravaganza is in full swing now. Free beer. Plastic cups. Wall-to-wall khakis. It's party time.
"No, no, honey, the conference was really boring. Just had to load up on booze and talk to floor models. Awful day. Just awful."
— Phil Harvey, Pics and Pains Editor, Light Reading
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