Harris Selects VPIphotonicsHarris Selects VPIphotonics

Harris is using software models from VPIphotonics to demonstrate its digital transponder product family

February 25, 2004

1 Min Read

LOS ANGELES -- VPIsystems, theleading developer of photonic design automation software, todayannounced that Harris Corporation is using new software models fromVPIphotonics to help customers to quickly analyze the benefits of thecompany's digital transponder technology for reaches of up to 200km onstandard single-mode fiber.

Harris’ Transponder Product Line Manager, Jerry Wood, is using VPIsoftware models to demonstrate the unique combination of opticalduo-binary modulation and receiver signal processing techniques thecompany has successfully applied to achieve very large transmissiondistances.

“The duo-binary modulation in our Extended, Very-Long Reach (EVR)transponders has a well-contained optical signal spectrum, allowing fortransmission far beyond the conventional limit for NRZ signals,” Woodexplained. “At the same time, the signal processing uses a decisionfeedback equalizer to further extend transmission by equalizing thefiber's dispersion. We chose simulation models from VPI to demonstratethe efficiency of duo-binary modulation in combination with electronicequalization, and its impact on transmission distances using standardfiber.”

“Customers need to see that the modulation and receiver innovations givesignificant improvement in reach over many types of fiber plant. TheVPIplayer models take the mystery out of these new technologies. Oncecustomers have seen the VPI simulations next to the experimentalresults, they see how and why this combination of technologies is sosuccessful,” Wood added.

VPIphotonics group technology officer Arthur Lowery said that “VPI toolscan be used in the product design phase to demonstrate the competitiveproduct advantages to customers. VPItransmissionMaker incorporatesphotonic and systems-level electronic signal processing modules, whichsupport the development of powerful combinations of electronics andphotonics in next generation products. At the same time, the VPIplayerenables anyone with a PC to play with photonic simulations and adjustkey parameters, so customers can get a feel for the capabilities of thetechnology.”

Harris Corp.

VPIsystems Inc.

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