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A Nokia sale of mobile, especially to the US, would be nuts
Nokia's hiring of Intel's Justin Hotard to be its new CEO has set tongues wagging again about a mobile exit, but it would look counterintuitive and inadvisable.
3:00 PM Offal news
January 27, 2010
3:00 PM -- More sad news on the Haggis front, as the BBC reports:
Scots Americans were rejoicing [Monday, Burns Night, a.k.a. Heartburn Night] as news circulated that the US government was planning to lift a 21-year ban on Scottish haggis. Just one problem… it may not happen.
Seems to have originally had something to do with that whole Mad Cow brouhaha. (Remember that? If not, consult a neurologist at once.) But a large part of the problem, according to the Beeb, is that "since 1971 the US has banned food made with sheep's lung."
And, of course, as the story concludes:
Haggis producer Fraser MacGregor of Cockburn's in Dingwall says, "If it hasn't got lamb's lung, it isn't haggis."
Words to live by!
— Larry of Cockburn's in Dingwall, Light Reading
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