European cable operator UPC announced its planned launch of IP telephone services in The Netherlands this month, following an initial rollout out of the service in Hungary. UPC's VoIP plans in The Netherlands call for a full rollout to its 2.4 million customers following an initial launch in Rotterdam and Amsterdam. UPC says its basic IP phone service will cost almost 50% less than the basic subscription of Dutch incumbent KPN, while per-minute tariffs will be 10%-15% cheaper. In the future, UPC says it will offer complementary fax-to-email, voicemail-to-email and conference calling services. Concurrently, on October 1 UPC is increasing its fastest chello Internet product to 8 Mbps downstream. UPC will also start a market trial in October of a 30Mbps downstream Internet product in the Dutch city of Almere to be followed by commercial deployment soon thereafter. A separate market trial with a 50Mbps product is envisaged for Amsterdam in the coming months.