Corny Names
Hercules Gummo and other forgotten Cornwallers
February 9, 2007
3:20 PM -- The Cornwall County Council has published its complete "Silly Names List":
This list has been compiled solely from records held at Cornwall Record Office and has been collected together over the course of the last six years. The only qualification to appear on the list is the possession of a name which can be considered silly or unusual...
The names seem to go back nearly 500 years, and they make for a worthy read -- especially for expectant parents in need of ideas. The B's alone are worth the price of admission. To name a few:
Sebastin Bagglehole
Millicent Bastard
Balthazar Bone
Obedience Budge
Philadelphia Bunnyface
They just get weirder from there on out...
— Hephzibah Lillycrap, Light Reading
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