SUNNYVALE, Calif. -- Alliance Fiber Optic Products, Inc.(Nasdaq: AFOP), a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of fiber optic components and integrated modules for the optical network equipment market, today announced the release of Band Wavelength Division Multiplexing (4 Skip 0).AFOP’s 100 and 200 GHz (4 Skip 0) Band Wavelength Division Multiplexingproducts are designed for a variety of applications to reduce demultiplexinginsertion losses. These Band WDM products utilize proprietary thin-filmfilter technology to achieve state of the art wavelength channel isolationand stability. In addition, these products offer exceptionally lowinsertion loss, low polarization sensitivity and high directivity. AFOP’sBand WDMs are designed to meet the most demanding Telcordia requirements forperformance and reliability.AFOP’s Band WDMs offer state of art wavelength passband and high isolationwithout losing any adjacent channels. These Band WDM products are designedto enable network designers to add or drop a series of channel bands,enabling flexible add and drop functions without lost channels. In addition,the 4 skip 0 series reduces cost and insertion loss for express channels.These products can also be used for high channel count Multiplexing andDemultiplexing applications to reduce insertion loss.Alliance Fiber Optic Products Inc.