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A Nokia sale of mobile, especially to the US, would be nuts
Nokia's hiring of Intel's Justin Hotard to be its new CEO has set tongues wagging again about a mobile exit, but it would look counterintuitive and inadvisable.
Lynton R. Wilson replaces Frank Carlucci, who's reached retirement age
April 26, 2001
CALGARY, Alberta -- Nortel Networks(NYSE:NT)(TSE:NT.) today announced the appointment of Lynton R. (Red)Wilson as its non-executive chairman of the board. Wilson replaces Frank Carlucci, who has served as chairman of theboard since March 2000. Carlucci did not stand for re-election as adirector at the Company's shareholders' meeting held today in Calgary,having reached the age of retirement, 70, in accordance with theCompany's guidelines governing eligibility to become a nominee fordirector.
Commenting on Carlucci's service to Nortel Networks, John Roth,president and chief executive officer, Nortel Networks, said, "NortelNetworks is deeply grateful to Frank Carlucci for his leadership andcontribution during this important period in the company's history.Frank played a key role on the Board and also actively assisted NortelNetworks in formulating and expressing its views on issues such aspermanent Normal Trade Relations with China, export controls and otherimportant legislative and world issues."
Nortel Networks Corp.
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