11:00 AM -- Hi there, broadband lovers!
It can often take what seems like a lifetime to move from hype to reality in the technology game. This week, however, has been one of the most important weeks in bolstering WiMax's viability since Sprint Corp. (NYSE: S) announced its WiMax plans in August 2006. (See Sprint Goes WiMax.).
For starters, Nokia Corp. (NYSE: NOK) stated it'll have WiMax handsets ready in 2008. We're counting the days already...
Noted WiMax-hater Qualcomm Inc. (Nasdaq: QCOM) moved a step closer to entering the market by buying up TeleCIS Wireless Inc. 's 802.16e business. (See Qualcomm Buys Into Mobile WiMax.)
On the WiMax deployment front, Pipex Communications plc is plotting a massive WiMax rollout through 2009 in the U.K., while Sprint Corp. (NYSE: S) has started to figure out how to take WiMax indoors. (See Pipex Plans Urban WiMax Rollout and Sprint Taking WiMax Indoors.)
So, while we're waiting for the next WiMax milestones, let's check out the rest of this week's broadband news.
More Muni Moaning
As we highlighted last week, there's currently plenty of discontent about the performance of early citywide WiFi mesh networks. The massive WiFi network in Taipei, Taiwan, is being widely ignored, according to several commentators.
It's not all bad news, though, as early reports suggest the new free WiFi service in Concord, Calif., is a hit, with 1,000 signing on for the service in its first week.
Vista Undone
If a software developer can't make Windows Vista and a CDMA broadband EV-DO network work together, what hope is there for the rest of us?
Inside the $50 Meraki Mini Mesh Router
Witness Linux nerds in their natural habitat. It's lovely to watch...
From Our Statistics-Is-Hokum Dept.
In-Stat has released a report entitled End-Users Prefer WiMax. How would they know, given how few WiMax networks are operational? Well, turns out the respondents liked the features offered by prospective WiMax networks. Gah, what a swizz! Get back to us in year or so, when there might be some real users to speak to, whydontcha!
There's Not Much to do in Redditch
Clearly! Two arrested for WiFi "tapping". — Bertie Big-Pipe, Sensitive Artist, Unstrung