Cisco's Bob Friday has left the company to found and lead a new startup focused on improving mobile services indoors, Light Reading has learned.
The VP and CTO of Mobility at Cisco left in May for startup Mist Systems. He is listed as CEO and co-founder of the Mountain View, Calif., startup on his LinkedIn profile.
The startup is listed as being "focused on creating great indoor mobile experiences."
Friday came to Cisco through the acquisition of Airespace in 2005. Friday was the chief scientist at the wireless LAN switch company. Before that he was at Metricom and Ricochet. (See Where Next for WLAN? and Ricochet: Dead Again?)
Light Reading hears that former Airespace CEO Brett Galloway is also working with Friday on the new startup. Galloway currently heads up mobile incubator Xova Labs. Exactly how he will work with Mist is not yet clear.
In December 2013, Light Reading listed Friday as one of its top 10 WiFi movers and shakers. (See Top 10 Carrier WiFi Movers & Shakers.)
Cisco Systems Inc. (Nasdaq: CSCO) didn't respond to questions about Friday on Tuesday. We may try Friday again on Wednesday.
— Dan Jones, Mobile Editor, Light Reading