Mobicom Uses BVRP Software
BVRP Mobile PhoneTools software chosen to ship with Mobicom GSM/GPRS cards, to be delivered in China, Europe, and the US this year
October 15, 2002
DENVER -- BVRP Software USA, a leading OEM and after-marketprovider of PC communications software, announced today that it has signedan agreement with Mobicom Corporation to bundle its Mobile PhoneToolssoftware with Mobicom’s line of GSM/GPRS PCMCIA cards. Headquartered in Holmdel, New Jersey, Mobicom manufactures the world’ssmallest GSM/GPRS mobile phone and a line of GSM/GPRS PCMCIA and CompactFlash cards. Mobicom will begin selling its GSM/GPRS PCMCIA cards withMobile PhoneTools to mobile operators in China, Europe and North Americathis year. In China, which has the largest number of wireless subscribers inthe world, the devices will be sold under the Capitel brand. The Windows-based Mobile PhoneTools provides everything laptop users need totake advantage of high-speed data connectivity over the new GPRS networks.The product includes a connectivity Wizard, a convenient interface thatenables voice calls from a laptop, and a suite of mobile communicationsapplications. BVRP also supplies the software to manage wireless datacommunications over CDMA networks, with 1X and 3G/UMTS support coming beforethe end of 2002. The BVRP software solutions are already translated andadapted to the needs of users in more than 16 languages. “BVRP Software is the link that completes the high-speed wireless GPRS datachain,” said Winston Lieu, vice president and chief technical officer,Mobicom. “Mobile PhoneTools provides the user interface on the laptop forour PCMCIA cards and makes the end user experience convenient and highlyproductive. Our partnership with BVRP will create more satisfied users whilelowering our support costs and increasing cellular usage.” Mobicom Corp.
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