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Kasenna teams with HP and Intel to successfully complete the first 'One Million Subscriber' IPTV and video-on-demand service benchmark test
April 16, 2007
SUNNYVALE, Calif. -- Kasenna, the IPTVCompany(TM), today announced that it has teamed with HP and Intel tocomplete a one- million-IPTV-subscriber benchmark test for broadcasttelevision and bandwidth- intensive Video on Demand (VOD) services. Thebenchmark test proved that an IPTV infrastructure developed by Kasenna,together with HP and Intel, can support one million subscribers.
The IPTV-infrastructure test-bed, built around Kasenna's Portal TVproduct suite, consisting of the LivingRoom(R) middleware platform andMediaBase video server software, utilized industry-standard HP ProLiantservers powered by Intel(R) low-power Dual-Core Xeon(R) processors. Thetest was conducted in a simulated access network environment at the HPCommunications, Media and Entertainment (CME) Solution Center in Grenoble,France.
An Executive Summary and Engineering report with detailed results ofthe benchmark test is available at http://www.kasenna.com/1m andhttp://www.hp.com/go/iptv. Carriers and service providers are invited to visit theHP CME Solution Center in Grenoble, France, for a guided tour, to witnessthe test, and to run customized tests for a variety of simulated trafficpatterns.
As part of the certification process, the test center stress-tested thePortalTV infrastructure using a traffic model that subjected it to peaktraffic patterns typical of Friday or Saturday evening consumer viewing.The test bed, which can be tuned to specific subscriber and trafficscenarios, is designed to allow service providers to test theinfrastructure for their own user-generated traffic patterns - bothtraditional and anticipated traffic - and a variety of stand-alone,centralized, and distributed-content distribution architectures as a meansof proving the resiliency and scalability of the IPTV infrastructure beforedeployment. The network supports a multi-user configuration in whichmultiple HP ProLiant DL380 G5 or BL480c servers running LivingRoommiddleware software, each supporting up to 120,000 active subscribers, maybe tested.
"As an independent Market Analysis Group, MRG recognizes the value ofindependent, objective IPTV benchmark testing such as that spearheaded byKasenna, HP and Intel," said Gary Schultz of MRG, a firm providing marketanalysis of new technologies for the communications industries. "Althoughscalability of VOD is crucial to the IPTV industry, objective benchmarktesting has been missing. MRG congratulates Kasenna, HP and Intel forremoving the veil of mystery about what it takes to scale IPTV tosubscriber levels of one million while achieving fast channel change."
Kasenna Inc.
Intel Corp. (Nasdaq: INTC)
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