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Huang Wenlin resigns from her position as an executive VP and executive director, succeeded by Zhang Chenshuang
July 9, 2007
BEIJING -- The Board announces that Madam Huang Wenlin has given notice to resign from her position as anexecutive vice president of the Company with effect from 9 July 2007, and to resign from her positionas an executive director of the Company with effect upon the requisite resolution having been approvedat the shareholders’ meeting. Madam Huang would take up a post with China Mobile CommunicationsCorporation.
Madam Huang Wenlin has confirmed that she held no differences in opinion with the Board and didnot have any matters, in relation to her resignation, that should be brought to the attention of theshareholders. The Board takes this opportunity to express its gratitude for the valuable contribution ofMadam Huang Wenlin to the Company during her tenure of office.
The Board also announces that Mr. Zhang Chenshuang has been appointed as an executive vicepresident of the Company with effect from 9 July 2007, and as an executive director of the Companywith effect upon the requisite resolution having been approved at the shareholders’ meeting.
Mr. Zhang Chenshuang, aged 55, is a vice president of China Telecommunications Corporation, thecontrolling shareholder of the Company. Mr. Zhang has held positions such as executive director andvice president of China Mobile Limited, vice president of China Mobile Communications Corporation,director of China Mobile Communication Co., Ltd., the assistant to the president of China MobileCommunications Corporation, director general of the Neimenggu Posts and TelecommunicationsAdministration, and deputy director general of the Office of the Ministry of Posts andTelecommunications. Mr. Zhang graduated from the Party School of the Communist Party of China(CPC) and received a MBA degree from Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Mr. Zhang is a senioreconomist with over 27 years of experience in the telecommunications industry.
As of the date of this announcement, the Board consists of Mr. Wang Xiaochu as the chairman andchief executive officer, Mr. Leng Rongquan as the president and chief operating officer, Madam WuAndi as the executive vice president and chief financial officer, Mr. Zhang Jiping as the executive vicepresident, Madam Huang Wenlin as the executive vice president, Mr. Li Ping as the executive vicepresident, Mr. Yang Jie as the executive vice president, Mr. Sun Kangmin as the executive vicepresident, Mr. Li Jinming as the non-executive director, and Mr. Zhang Youcai, Mr. Lo Hong Sui,Vincent, Mr. Shi Wanpeng, Mr. Xu Erming and Mr. Tse Hau Yin, Aloysius as the independent nonexecutivedirectors.
China Telecom Corp. Ltd. (NYSE: CHA)
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