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Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe introduces 10-Gigabit Ethernet LAN-PHY mapper for WDM networks
November 22, 2007
LANGEN, Germany -- Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe (FME), a leading supplier of silicon solutions for 10G and 40G optical communications networks, today announces its MB87Q2091 10G Ethernet LAN-PHY mapper targeting Ethernet mapping and transport applications.
The MB87Q2091 enables transport of multiple service types (both synchronous and asynchronous) including 10GE LAN-PHY or WAN-PHY, SDH/SONET STM-64/OC-192 or OTN OTU-2 signals. With support for multiple mapping modes, the device provides maximum flexibility to manage Ethernet LAN/WAN transport over metro and core networks and complements Fujitsu’s family of products for 10G SDH/SONET and Ethernet applications as well as 40G SDH/SONET/OTN applications. The MB87Q2091 also functions as a multiple-standard interface converter (XFI/SFI-4/SFI-5s), 2.5G or 10G asynchronous cross-connect and has two full-duplex 10G channels for protected terminal applications. Supporting seamless integration to XFP modules on the client side and to standard 10G and 40G FEC devices on the network side, the MB87Q2091 offers a compact solution for 10G transport, and, with its comprehensive feature set, provides a future-proof and cost-efficient mapping solution for 10GE client signals.
“As a supplier of multi-service provisioning solutions for next-generation converged networks, and as a partner to Fujitsu in bringing Ethernet transport technology to market, we see the MB87Q2091 as a key enabler for 10GE transport over OTN”, said Theo Muys, Managing Director of AimValley in Hilversum, the Netherlands. “We are currently working on a reference design incorporating this device along with Cortina Systems’ IXF30009 FEC device.”
"We are pleased that FME and AimValley chose the IXF30009 to build a module for 10GbE transport over OTN," said Arun Zarabi, Product Line Manager of Cortina Systems. "Enabling a breadth of solutions for metro/core applications, the MB87Q2091 supports glueless connectivity to the IXF30009 family of products."
Dirk Weinsziehr, FME’s VP of Marketing and Development said: “The launch of the MB87Q2091 and its current integration into several platforms of a leading OTN system provider underlines FME’s commitment to developing products to address the needs of current and future high-speed optical networks. We are also pleased to be working with AimValley and Cortina Systems to provide these solutions and look forward to demonstrating the OTN module at OFC in February 2008”.
The Carrier Ethernet Market
Although Ethernet is already the de facto standard for enterprise LANs, it has also started to emerge as a ubiquitous transport protocol for WAN applications, and the trend for Ethernet becoming more prevalent in both metro and core networks will continue. This trend goes hand-in-hand with the general migration from legacy SONET/SDH and TDM services to IP/Ethernet services like voice, video and broadband access. The challenge for network operators is to implement this convergence while minimising CAPEX on new infrastructure and maximising revenues by providing the greatest selection of services over their networks. The most efficient solution, particularly in the case of Ethernet transport, is to implement the ‘digital wrapper’ technology outlined by the ITU-T G.709 OTN (Optical Transport Network) standard. The family of OTN standards allows for the transparent transport of SONET/SDH and provides a highly effective method for transporting asynchronous services, like 10G Ethernet, which lack the requirements for reliable transmission over long distances such as QoS, provisioning, performance monitoring, error correction and redundancy, to name but a few.
The challenge of rate adaptation for higher-bitrate 10GBASE-R (10GE LAN-PHY) signals as compared to the telecom-orientated OTN carriers has been dealt with using both proprietary and standardised approaches. For maximum flexibility, Fujitsu’s MB87Q2091 supports a full range of mapping options from standard GFP-F offering payload transport to bit-transparent mapping into an OTU-2e carrier. In this way the system designer can preserve information transparency while retaining the benefits of a standard compliant OTN signal in terms of frame structure and line speed. Fujitsu’s MB87Q2091 paves the way for a future-proof and cost-efficient mapping solution for 10GE client signals and meets the network operator’s requirements for transparent transport over OTN to seamlessly mesh with the DWDM public network infrastructure.
Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe (FME)
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