SAN JOSE, Calif. -- ADARA Networks, a global software company in the Software Defined Networking (SDN) space, has announced the next generation of ADARA Sirius Series Virtual and Physical Networking Platform. Sirius has been re-engineered with a new implementation of DLSP (Dynamic Link State Protocol) which is 1,000 times faster, and executes even more efficiently than before. Sirius has also been re-engineered with the most advanced Admission Control ever designed, and features novel user-level granularity. "ADARA Networks is bringing the experience of solving problems in the most difficult environments in the public sector to revolutionize the commercial market. The New Sirius Series is a defining moment in the evolution of Virtual and Physical Networking. This product is unmatched in the industry. It was designed and developed by the engineers that developed the most deployed networking software ever commercialized, and this takes networking to another scale. The market has been seeking the next leap forward in Virtual Networking; Sirius is that leap ahead. The industry has theorized Network Hypervisors and Network Operating Systems; Sirius is not theory, it is fact, it is tomorrows networking, today. Sirius abstracts the Physical properties of the Network, forwarding, state, configuration, any property, and dynamically manages in a fully distributed, logically centralized or centralized manner. Our experiences in SDN with the leaders in Technology propelled us to engineer and implement a product that has been sought but never realized until now. Sirius is a full production ready platform for the Virtual Networking needs of every Enterprise of every size and industry and every Service Provider. This re-engineered Sirius platform offers solutions to what the market wants and needs," said Eric Johnson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ADARA Networks. Sirius natively supports Dynamic Layer 2 over Layer 3 Tunneling (pseudo-wire or Layer 2 Stretching), while providing all the properties of the Physical Layer abstracted to the Virtual Network. Sirius has been re-engineered to run as a Network Hypervisor, able to abstract and manage network physical properties. Sirius now provides the functionality of as a Network Operating System. Sirius DLSP was designed and implemented by the creators of the world's most widely deployed networking software; DLSP represents an exponential increase in speed, scale and native capabilities. Full Domestic and International Patent Protection have been allowed for the technology. ADARA Sirius is available as a standalone product, or as part of the ADARA Constellation Series. ADARA Mercury on x86 platforms enables Virtual Machining for Computation and Networking directly upon the Mercury platform; unavailable in legacy network routers, switches, load balancers and middleware boxes. ADARA's new class of the Sirius Series has made this industry leading platform available to the United States Commercial Market through Tech Data and its channel of over 60,000 US Resellers. ADARA Sirius Series are able to operate both in the Control Plane and the Data Plane. Sirius is right-sized for any customer environment, and is available in two form factors:
Software only for a Fully Virtualized Software Solution
Software on either Purpose- built or 3rd Party COTS Appliances (x86 or MIPS)
Sirius is engineered to provide the most advanced novel Virtual and Physical Networking. Unlike network routers which are natively single-path, have high communication overhead, slow to converge, are complex to configure and operate and suffer from limited scalability, Sirius scales limitlessly, converges exponentially faster, is single-step configurable, and natively multi-path. Sirius load balances networks, paths, links and routes, and offers many more capabilities. Sirius can discover and simultaneously utilize every route and path from every point-to-every point, based upon both network state and policy. Sirius is able to measure and use Bandwidth in Real Time. Sirius has the richest set of policies of any Virtual and Physical Networking Platform. Sirius is exponentially more advanced legacy network routers, virtual routers, network load balancers, and other middleware boxes. Sirius is faster and more scalable than any competing product - ever. Adara Networks