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How Huawei went from Chinese startup to global 5G power
A new book by the Washington Post's Eva Dou is a comprehensive and readable account of Huawei's rapid rise on the world's telecom stage.
Argues that subcommittee is resisting a bipartisan approach to resolving decades-old issue.
March 26, 2019
Washington, DC -- Statement of NCTA -- The Internet & Television Association Regarding House Subcommittee Markup of H.R. 1644, "The Save the Internet Act of 2019":
“With today’s action, the subcommittee has stubbornly insisted on a partisan path that leads to a dead end. The result of allergically resisting a bipartisan approach to resolving this decades-old issue is that consumers will fail to receive the net neutrality protections that are generally accepted and industry will not get the certainty it needs to invest more boldly. Those that profit from sustained controversy are the only real winners. The issue is simple. There is a real path to bipartisan compromise on a set of strong, enforceable net neutrality rules, but any approach is doomed that insists on bolting on expansive powers that allow the government to control and regulate the internet more broadly. Congress does not need Title II in order to adopt strong rules that survive judicial review, as the Commission arguably did. The Constitution gives it the power to write modern rules on a blank page, without resorting to the backward exercise of dumping a mountain of dated phone regulations on the internet and hoping they can chisel and keep out all the bad parts that will cause harm to this vibrant infrastructure. Hopefully, once we move past the messaging vote on this bill, legislators will sit down cooperatively and do the real work of legislating.”
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