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A Nokia sale of mobile, especially to the US, would be nuts
Nokia's hiring of Intel's Justin Hotard to be its new CEO has set tongues wagging again about a mobile exit, but it would look counterintuitive and inadvisable.
Sycamore Networks announced availability of the CPX module set for its DNX-11/88 multiservice cross-connect platforms
March 20, 2007
CHELMSFORD, Mass. -- SycamoreNetworks, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCMR), a leader in intelligent networkingsolutions for fixed line and mobile network operators worldwide, todayannounced availability of the Circuit/Packet eXchange (CPX) module setfor its DNX-11/88 multiservice cross-connect platforms. The CPXsolution delivers unique performance enhancements that enablecost-effective migration from TDM to IP in transmission networks whileensuring mission-critical reliability for end-user services andcritical SS7 signaling traffic.
Sycamore's CPX module set integrates circuit and packet processingfunctionality in a highly compact, multiservice cross-connect system,allowing network operators an efficient and cost-effective means tomigrate circuit-based traffic to packet-switched networks whileretaining the robust monitoring and control capabilities thatoperators rely on to ensure the highest degree of network availabilityand carrier-class performance.
Sycamore Networks Inc. (Nasdaq: SCMR)
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