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JDSU, a leading enabler of broadband and optical innovation, announced the availability of two new optical filters
April 9, 2007
MILPITAS, Calif. -- JDSU, a leading enabler ofbroadband and optical innovation, today announced the availability of twonew optical filters - laser line rejection and detector response -targeting applications in the aerospace, defense and biomedical industries.These products will be highlighted this week at the upcoming InternationalSociety of Optical Engineering, (SPIE), Defense and Security Symposium inOrlando, FL.
The laser line rejection filter is designed to be used by opticalengineers in a variety of aerospace/defense applications such as nightvision and laser based biomedical instrumentation applications. Thedetector response filter, a new class of optical filter designed tocompensate for the spectral response of optical detectors, has beendeveloped for use by optical engineers in a variety of aerospace/defenseapplications such as remote sensing and homeland security instrumentationas well as for use in biomedical instrumentation.
The new filters are made possible by JDSU's proprietary UCP-1 platform,which offers high deposition rates, superior speed, tight spectral control,and low defect levels to deliver breakthrough performance and yields for athin film coating platform. Unlike previous generation technologies forsimilar filters, JDSU's magnetron sputtering manufacturing processes ensuredurability and scalability in filter production.
A key breakthrough from the UCP-1 platform is the stability of the filmchamber, which can meticulously control deposition of extremely thinlayers. This feature allows for the creation of a narrow band reflectorrequired for laser rejection without any performance effects outside thereflection region. This ensures thinner filter designs than the traditionalrugate filters ,which have been difficult to scale to production volumes.
The ability to deposit very thin layers also allows the fabrication offilters with very customizable spectral profiles. The advantage of thecustomizable spectral profiles includes the ability to increase overallsignal efficiency. By inserting the filter between a light source and adetector, the overall optical system can have a flat response versuswavelength preventing detector saturation effects and thereby increasingoverall signal efficiency.
"JDSU's proprietary UCP-1 technology is the key to allowing us toprovide our customers with the highest quality filter designs," said CarlaFeldman, marketing manager for JDSU's advanced optical technologies. "TheUCP-1 platform allows unprecedented levels of manufacturing scalabilitythat will bring high performance and cost effective solutions to ourcustomers serving the aerospace, defense and biomedical industries."
JDSU (Nasdaq: JDSU; Toronto: JDU)
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