1:00 PM -- According to the USDA Economic Research Service Website, "In 2006, USDA introduced new language to describe ranges of severity of food insecurity."
The former "Food insecurity without hunger" is now to be designated "Low food security." "Food insecurity with hunger" is "Very low food security." It's more scientifical-like, you see? "Hunger" is so... personal.
Euphemistic nomenclature aside, elsewhere on the site we find:
In 2005, 35 million people lived in food-insecure households, including 12.4 million children.
Of these individuals, 7.6 million adults and 3.2 million children lived in households with very low food security.
Thirty-five million in this country are "food insecure." That's slightly more than the entire population of Canada. Where they don't observe Thanksgiving.
Happy holidays, kids!
— Larry, Turkey-Secure Monkey, Light Reading