OTTAWA -- Optiwave Systems Inc., the leading provider of essential optical component and system design tools, today announced the release of OptiBPM 8 – the latest version of its waveguide optics design suite. The release sees the addition of new mode solvers for circular fibers, powerful optimization engines and a dramatic increase in simulation performance.
"OptiBPM 8 is providing an incredible boost to my research in integrated optics because of enhanced speed, increased capabilities, advanced displays and simplified ease of use,” said Professor Alastair McAulay of Lehigh University. “As a result, the design and application of miniaturized optical circuits, critical for our research in communications and computers is advancing more rapidly with OptiBPM 8.”
OptiBPM 8 introduces advanced LP and vector mode solvers for circular fibers. These new meshless fiber mode solvers find modes using a transfer matrix method in cylindrical coordinates. Additional new features in OptiBPM 8 include intelligent optimization engines, the ability to import DXF and GDSII mask file formats, and a simulation engine performance boost where OptiBPM 8 runs fifty percent faster than previous versions.
“We couldn’t be more pleased with the new release of OptiBPM 8," said Jan Jakubczyk, President and CEO of Optiwave. "We have a strong international base of users that require advanced simulation tools to meet their current research needs. We are proud to be an established supplier that offers innovative software products which meet research and development mission-critical objectives.”
Optiwave Systems Inc.