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Huawei defies US to grow market share as RAN decline ends – Omdia
The worst is now behind vendors in the market for mobile network equipment, with Omdia forecasting slight growth outside China this year.
Contract with Tele Danmark potentially worth up to £20 million (US$29 million) over three years
December 4, 2000
LONDON -- Marconi has signed a framework agreement with Tele Danmark potentiallyworth up to £20 million over three years, in its latest optical networktechnology success.Tele Danmark is one of five major telcos in the liberalised Danishmarket and currently has over 90% market penetration. The Marconi SDH(Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) technology will provide a key componentof Tele Danmark's 10Gbit/s network layer.
Commenting on the decision to go with Marconi, Tele Danmark VicePresident Henning Dickow said: "We've been using Marconi technology forseveral years, and at this key stage in our network development theMarconi systems will fulfil our essential needs, with a good balancebetween cost and system performance."Peter Brown, Marconi president Europe, Middle East, Africa andAustralasia (EMEA), said: "This contract provides further proof that weare the leading 10Gbit/s equipment supplier in Europe - and the worldleader overall in SDH technology."
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