EISINGEN, Germany -- Lightmaze Solutions AG provides unique products for intelligent optical networks. Since its foundation in October 2000 Lightmaze Solutions AG is focused on the development of active components and modules with network management. Lightmaze Solution´s product is called YUMIX 4ooo. YUMIX 4ooo represents an integration of WDM with Cross Connect in one box. Functions such as service friendliness, selfhealing, and scaleable redundancy are its special features. Multiple direct neighbours per node are easily possible and up to 72 wavelengths per fiber are offered.YUMIX 4ooo means a product family of 4 members: E (enterprise), M (metropolitan), T (transport), X (Cross Connect). YUMIX 4000 E, M, T, X represent unique solutions for future challenges brought along by the increasing demand for bandwidth and higher intelligence of the physical layer in local networks, metro networks, and regional networks.The highly modular system includes an extremely flexible platform. The carrier-like management guarantees both the supervision, the configuration of the components and the basis for completely new features such as specific redundancy, self recovery, multicast, and bandwidth trading.YUMIX 4ooo offers the possibility of meshed network topology on top of the typical features offered by standard transparent protocol-independent WDM-equipment.The integrated, highly intelligent network management guarantees quick installation, easy operation and event management, and autorecovery.Lightmaze Solutions AG