RICHARDSON, Texas -- Anritsu Company introduces the MP1800 Series Signal Quality Analyzers, featuring a modular architecture that creates a uniquely flexible, compact, and cost-efficient test solution for measuring the bit error rate (BER) of optical transceiver modules and other digital devices throughout the product life cycle. Engineered for both cost-conscious manufacturing and advanced R&D, the MP1800 Series can grow and expand unlike any other analyzer. Unique options range from inexpensive integrated optics to large parallel configurations with external mux/demux that extend frequency coverage to 43.5G and beyond.
Users can choose the 4-slot MT1810A, the 6-slot MP1800A, or the 16-slot MT1820A, depending on the testing requirements. The flagship 6-slot MP1800A, with its built-in controller, is far more compact than similar BERTs with controllers and is very appropriate for lab use, while the 4-slot unit is optimized for manufacturing and is even smaller and less expensive. The 16-slot unit provides a high-density multiple-port solution suitable for design verification and manufacturing. All configurations fully support 12.5G electrical BER testing and can be enhanced with pluggable optical interfaces supporting SFP or XFP transceivers.
The MP1800 Series’ design makes it easy for users to expand or change configuration to fit virtually any BER test environment, including parallel BERT applications, a wide or narrow range of data rates, and variable-rate clock recovery. The standard configuration includes a 12.5G synthesizer, pulse pattern generator (PPG), error detector (ED) and 128 Mbit user-defined test pattern memory.
Anritsu Corp.