VANCOUVER -- 360networks announced today significant sales of networkservices on its undersea networks including 360atlantic, the company’shigh-bandwidth cable linking the United States, Canada, Ireland and theUnited Kingdom.In the first quarter of 2001, 360networks completed sales totaling morethan US $475 million to major carriers and network service providers forservices on 360atlantic, 360americas, 360asia, 360pacific as well as onits North American network.
“Despite the challenging business environment worldwide, we have succeededin selling a significant portion of the capacity on 360atlantic soon aftercompleting and lighting it,” said Greg Maffei, president and chiefexecutive officer of 360networks. “Many of these new sales are fromrepeat customers, which we believe is a testament to the value of ourglobal network and diversity of services as well as our ability to executeon time.”