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A Nokia sale of mobile, especially to the US, would be nuts
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Welcome Italia has deployed Allot NetEnforcer AC-1020 broadband management devices
January 23, 2007
SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS, France -- AllotCommunications (Nasdaq:ALLT), a leader in IP service optimizationsolutions based on deep packet inspection (DPI), announced that leadingItalian telecommunications provider, Welcome Italia has deployed AllotNetEnforcer AC-1020 broadband management devices in its nationwidenetwork to optimize delivery of voice, video and Internet accessservices. Key to the decision was the Allot NetEnforcer policy-basedquality-of-service (QoS) functionality.
As part of Welcome Italia's ongoing investment in VoIP,videoconferencing and video surveillance services, the company uses anATM technology based infrastructure to provide services all over Italy.
"Our business only makes sense if we are able to deliver data, voiceand video services with a perfect and constant quality. What customersare really concerned with is the performance and treatment ofbusiness-critical traffic -- and ultimately this is what they arepaying for. Allot's solution allowed us to prevent the source ofcongestion and resume providing our customers with reliable, highquality service," said Nicola Di Giusto, telecom manager at WelcomeItalia.
Since deploying two NetEnforcer AC-1020 devices, Welcome Italiaadministrators can now easily view traffic traversing the network on aper-subscriber, real-time basis. Administrators can monitor traffic inreal-time to protect the company's investments from networkvulnerabilities such as heavy peer-to-peer usage and optimize thedelivery of performance-reliant applications such as voice and videoconferencing.
Based on deep packet inspection (DPI) for real-time monitoring,NetEnforcer helps Welcome Italia identify and isolate many types ofsecurity threats and malicious traffic. With built-in QoS enforcementcapabilities, NetEnforcer also allows administrators to dynamicallycreate and enforce policies to prioritize applications running on thenetwork.
"The gigabit Allot NetEnforcer is simply a necessity to have if youwant to anticipate and control all potentially performance-damagingissues, which is crucial to optimal service delivery," added WelcomeItalia marketing manager Riccardo De Luca.
"As the number one pure player in the DPI space, Allot was uniquelyable to offer Welcome Italia per-subscriber visibility and controlalong with an outstanding level of support throughout and following thedeployment process," said Rami Hadar, president and CEO, AllotCommunications. "We believe these to be the two major factors inoutweighing the competition."
Allot Ltd. (Nasdaq: ALLT)
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