LOS ANGELES -- Voxbone, a leading provider of international VoIP origination services to carriers, ITSPs, calling card operators, call centers and other businesses around the world, today announced that is has established its first U.S. office and a network operations center in the Los Angeles area to better serve the needs of its U.S. customers.
The move, which will enable Voxbone to provide faster response times to its customers' sales and technical inquiries, follows the establishment of a point of presence (PoP) at telx's New York site in 2006.
According to Rodrigue Ullens, co-founder of Voxbone, "Since a majority of our business comes from the U.S. and our business customers increased by 500% last year, it makes good sense to maximize our support and services for this market. We are excited to open our operations center and office near Los Angeles, which will enable us maintain our reputation for offering the highest standards of service."
Voxbone SA