LOS ANGELES -- Netcentrex™, the leading enabler of next generation converged voice and video solutions, and VPN de Mexico, a pioneer in Voice over IP services in the Mexican market, announced today that VPN de Mexico is deploying Netcentrex’ MyCall® to deliver Voice over IP (VoIP) residential and enterprise services to 25 cities throughout Mexico.
By bringing the first ever Virtual Service Network Operator VoIP service to market in Mexico, VPN de Mexico has marked a major milestone in next generation services with its VOXIP VoIP service offering (www.voxip.com.mx). The service includes caller ID, call waiting, caller ID block, voice mail, fax, three way calling, as well as the possibility to access subscriber features from any internet connection – all through an automated provisioning system also provided by Netcentrex. Complimenting the basic offering with advanced services, VPN de Mexico also announced the availability of telephony-based legal and medical advisory services for subscribers of its VOXIP offering.
“The Peralta family created the first mobile carrier in Mexico with IUSACELL and now we are continuing the family tradition by offering the first VSNO-based VoIP service with coverage over 25 cities throughout Mexico and with services that will continue to make us leaders in this market,” said Pablo Peralta, CEO of VPN de Mexico, recalling his family’s roots in the Mexican telecom industry.
“Offering VoIP to the Mexican market is only Phase 1,” continued Pablo Peralta. “We are now entering Phase 2 which involves offering Mexico-based DIDs to Mexicans based in the US in order to capture a portion of the 1.5 billion minutes on calls from the United States to Mexico annually by the 27 million Mexicans living in the US. We are the first company to offer VoIP to a niche market in the US and this is all part of our US-based VOXmex offering (www.voxmexico.com).”
In a separate release:
LOS ANGELES -- Netcentrex™, the leading enabler of next generation converged voice and video solutions, and InVueTel, a pioneer in hosted IP-based services for the hospitality market, announced today that InVueTel has selected Netcentrex’ MyCall® and IPlay3TM solutions to deliver IP-based communications and entertainment services for hotels and other lodging industry properties.
InVueTel’s service offerings will include multi-channel video, on-demand, and pay-per-view, high-speed internet connectivity, Voice over IP (VoIP) telephony, gaming, and e-commerce. The company will also create innovative hospitality services that will help hotels improve customer service, build brand, and promote customer loyalty.
“Our solution is a future-proof way to increase revenue per available room through new IP services and feature-rich services,” said Edwin Westlake, InVueTel CEO. “In addition, our customers will dramatically increase in-room amenities for guests while optimizing staff utilization and cost of ownership.”
InVueTel conducted an exhaustive search and evaluation process for the best available next-generation technologies. One of the benefits of the Netcentrex solution is its multi-media capabilities and service creation platform that supports converged applications to upgrade a guest room experience that is typically outdated. “As a hosted solution, InVueTel needed to work with the leaders in scalable, triple play solutions,” said Ellen Veden, InVueTel Co-Founder and Senior Vice President of Marketing. “Netcentrex has proven itself time and again with the most flexible and feature-rich solution on the market today for VoIP communications and entertainment applications.”
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