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Says more than 100 companies and organizations have joined the cause for 'OnGo,' the brand assigned to the an emerging swatch of shared-use spectrum in the 3.5GHz band.
August 23, 2018
SUNNYVALE, Calif. -- Today, the CBRS Alliance, an industry organization focused on driving the development, commercialization, and adoption of OnGo™ shared spectrum solutions, announced the achievement of key milestones in-tandem with the organization’s two-year anniversary.
In the short time since the organization was founded by its six charter members, the CBRS Alliance has grown to include more than 100 member organizations. The vast and comprehensive membership enables a robust ecosystem through the development and management of technical specifications, the OnGo brand, and the OnGo Certification Program.
In-tandem with the organization’s two-year anniversary – and with the commercialization of OnGo expected in Q4 – the CBRS Alliance has also announced the establishment of its Deployment and Operations (D&O) Working Group (WG). The fifth working group of the CBRS Alliance will be focused on identifying, defining and implementing end-to-end deployment models and operational best practices for OnGo connectivity, including the interconnections between networks, network operators, and roaming hubs.
Looking ahead, the CBRS Alliance will host its first ever OnGo Interoperability Test Event in Louisville, Colorado, hosted by CableLabs later this month.
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