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FastWeb chairman Silvio Scaglia intends to sell his shareholding at the same conditions as all other shareholders
March 12, 2007
MILAN, Italy -- Milan, February 19, 2007 - Silvio Scaglia and SMS Finance S.A., as major shareholder ofFASTWEB, having positively considered the proposal of Swisscom, have signed an undertakingagreement whereby they have agreed that SMS Finance’s share will be delivered to the tender offerprocedure, except for the event that competing higher offers are presented.
The undertaking to adhere to the tender offer confirms the intention already expressed by the founderof FASTWEB to sell his shareholding at the same conditions as all other shareholders and to allowthem to benefit from the control premium.
Silvio Scaglia believes that the Company has now reached a position of full industrial and operationalstability, characterized by an excellent management team. Since more than a year Silvio Scaglia doesnot have any operational role in the company.At the request of Swisscom, Silvio Scaglia has committed to remain available as a member ofFASTWEB’s Board of Directors.
Fastweb SpA (Milan: FWB)
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