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AT&T struggles to defend open cloudiness of Ericsson deal
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Embarq's board of directors names Tom A. Gerke CEO
March 3, 2008
OVERLAND PARK, Kan. -- The EmbarqCorporation (EQ) Board of Directors has named Tom A. Gerke, 51, a seniortelecommunications executive, as chief executive officer of the company,effective immediately. Gerke has been interim CEO since Dec. 18, 2007.
(Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20080303/AQM123)
(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20060516/EMBARQLOGO)
"The EMBARQ Board of Directors conducted a thorough and comprehensivesearch. There were several strong external candidates and Tom Gerke wasalways a principal candidate for the position," said Bill Owens, EMBARQ'schairman of the board. "We were especially impressed with Tom's vision,leadership and professionalism. With his depth and knowledge of thetelecommunications industry and his understanding of EMBARQ as a company,he has earned the total confidence of the board. Tom emerged as our clearchoice."
Embarq Corp. (NYSE: EQ)
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