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Vodafone and Three merger looks shaky after BT's latest attack
BT draws attention to the unworkability of behavioral remedies and says the only effective structural one is prohibition.
How long will BigBand keep its current CEO?
8:43 AM -- As Jeff B., our site editor at Cable Digital News, has already pointed out, BigBand Networks has endured a series of unfortunate events.
But with the resignation last week of BigBand CFO Fred Ball, and the odd way it publicized one of its nominations for a Light Reading Leading Lights Award, but didn't even mention the other -- or quote its CEO, I have to wonder if BigBand is priming itself for a head transplant.
It's just a hunch. But is it out of line to think that Amir Bassan-Eskenazi's bumpy ride at BigBand might be coasting to a conclusion?
Anyone else getting that vibe?
— Phil Harvey, Barely Managing Editor, Light Reading
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