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Resolute Networks unveils OC-3/STM-1 circuit emulation pseudowire aggregator module
June 6, 2006
ATLANTA -- Resolute Networks, a leading provider of circuit emulationpseudowire sub-system and technology solutions, today unveiled the CMX-16C3 CircuitEmulation Solution (CES) aggregation module. The CMX-16C3, capable of aggregatingup to 2,016 circuit emulation streams into a single device, was successfully showcasedrecently to select OEM vendors of Ethernet-based packet switching solutions. Theannouncement makes Resolute Networks the first vendor to offer end-to-end circuitemulation technology solutions at up to OC-3/STM1 rates for rapid integration intocarrier-grade networking equipment.
“At ARRIS, we've already seen a high level of interest in our CPE circuit emulationproduct, so showing this high level of aggregation capability now with Resolute's newCMX-16C3 is perfect timing.” said Bryant Isaacs, President of ARRIS New BusinessVentures, with whom Resolute Networks has a strategic OEM relationship.
According to an Insight Research report (Jan, 2006), the private line services market inthe US alone is currently worth over $32Bn a year to the service providers, withforecasts showing growth until at least 2010, partly due to the anticipated rapid increasein demand for backhaul capacity from mobile wireless operators.CMX-16C3 is a fully standards compatible module that includes all the required CESmanagement and configuration capabilities, as well as GigE and OC-3 physical lines.
Integration of Resolute’s aggregation module substantially reduces Network EquipmentProviders' (NEP's) time to market, design risk and costs in addition to maintenancecosts. CMX-16C3 provides a convenient way for OEMs to transition from point-to-pointcircuit emulation to point-to-multipoint (star) and multipoint-to-multipoint (mesh)topologies. The CMX-16C3 is designed to enable cost-effective, space saving carriergradeOC-3 circuit emulation aggregation in a wide range of central office environments.
"The CMX-16C3 is major industry breakthrough, and creates significant revenuepotential for our customers," states Gady Vekslar, CEO of Resolute Networks. "We'reproud to showcase this product which benefits from our experience from extensivedeployment of our circuit emulation modules in MPLS Carrier Ethernet switches,DOCSIS cable modems and PON ONU's "
Resolute Networks Ltd.
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