STOCKHOLM and MARLBOROUGH, Mass. -- Pactolus Communications today announced selection of its SIPware Calling Card Service, RapidFLEX Service Creation Environment, and Service Delivery Platform by Teletek Telekom, Turkey's leading IP carrier. The deployment substantially and economically expands Teletek's addressable market and revenue potential by assimilating its base of legacy customers into a next generation SIP services infrastructure that gives the carrier new service scale and feature expansion flexibility. The innovative SIP-RADIUS integration was jointly developed by Pactolus and Verscom, one of the Middle East region's fastest-growing telecom network and services developer/integrators.
The SIP-RADIUS integration is understood to be the first such subscriber assimilation/service migration of its kind. It enables Teletek to leverage SIP's advantageous call control, IVR, services scale and performance with customers whose subscriber records reside on its Digiquant (now part of Intec Telecom) systems, without database replication and capital equipment outlays. The integration simplifies new service delivery and allows Teletek to smooth its service profitability continuum.
Teletek Telekom Vice President Murat Zeren notes: "Selection of the service creation environment and SIP service resource for this vital expansion was a careful decision, and Pactolus emerged as the clear choice." Teletek was formed by GISAD and the Ulker Group, multi-national conglomerates with assets in excess of $5 billion, and is implementing a multi-million dollar network expansion.
RapidFLEX emerged in year-long trials as the SCE best capable of supporting the SIP-RADIUS integration initiative. Ali Argun, Verscom CTO, notes: "Pactolus is key to our creation of advanced, highly scalable SIP services, allowing us to create this SIP/legacy service integration in weeks."
Pactolus Communications Software Corp.