4:40 PM -- Well, hey! It's pretty much the weekend, and we almost forgot to report the results of our annual golf tourney at Heavy Reading's Links Executive Summit 2006.
Our resident golf semi-pro, Heavy Reading sales director Dave Williams, reports back that we had exquisite weather on the Sandpiper golf course in Santa Barbara."What a great course and the weather cooperated more than anyone could ask," writes Williams. "Clear sunny day, temp high 70's, very light breeze, and the visibility up and down the coast was endless."
Anyway, according to Dave, probably one of the most scenic holes was the par 3 #11 which was facing the ocean. "170 yrds straight downhill -- about a 100 ft drop -- with unobstructed view of the Ocean and cliffs. Truly pebble Beach-esk."
Spoken like a true Californian. The results for the day were as follows:
Longest Putt (#15): Jim Hintze, Sr. VP, Fujitsu Network Communications Inc.
Longest Putt (#1): George Lepper, Major Account Manager, Cisco Systems Inc. (Nasdaq: CSCO)
Closest to the Pin (#18): Michael Collette, CEO, Narad Networks Inc.
Closest to the Pin (#6): Angelo Compagnoni, VP Sales, Sandvine Inc.
Longest Drive (#13): Sally Wilkinson (company unknown)
Longest Drive (#9): Luis Llovera, VP Investment Partner, Siemens Venture Capital (SVC)
Third Place, 4 under par:
Craig Easley, VP Marketing, Actelis Networks Inc.
Gary Gray, Sr. Director Corp. Marketing, Ubiquity Software Corp. (London: UBQ)
Andrew Homan, Analyst, Maverick Networks LLC
Kevin Sheehan, CEO, Hatteras Networks Inc.
Dave Williams, Sales Director, Heavy Reading
Second Place, 5 under par
James Barnette, Partner, The Scott Group
Hirofumi Ogawa, Manager, Mitsubishi Corp.
Crick Waters, VP Product Strategy, Duality Inc.
Chris Young, CIO, Riverfast Networks
First Place, 7 under par
Matt Lane, Marketing Manager, HP Inc. (NYSE: HPQ)
Michael Thompson, Operations Director, Cisco Systems
Joseph Weinman, VP Strategy and Emerging Services, AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T)
Steve Zhang, CEO, Asianinfo Technologies
Thanks and congratulations to everybody who participated!
— R. Scott Raynovich, Editor in Chief, Light Reading