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Huawei defies US to grow market share as RAN decline ends – Omdia
The worst is now behind vendors in the market for mobile network equipment, with Omdia forecasting slight growth outside China this year.
Focal Communications deploys Unisphere Networks’ edge routing switch in its Focal Internet eXchange
April 12, 2001
CHELMSFORD, Mass. — Unisphere Networks, Inc., a leadingprovider of IP infrastructure to enable broadband data and voice services,today announced that Focal Communications Corporation (Nasdaq: FCOM), aleading national broadband communications provider, has chosen Unisphere’sERX-1400 Edge Routing Switch to support the buildout of the Focal InterneteXchange network. The ERX-1400, a key component of Unisphere’s IntelligentServices PoP (Point of Presence), is being used in the Focal network tooffer data services in Philadelphia, New York, Northern New Jersey,Washington, D.C., Chicago, Seattle, Los Angeles, Orange County, SanFrancisco, Oakland, and San Jose.
“Getting new services to market quickly and efficiently is important toFocal’s growth,” said Michael Mael, president of Focal Data Communications,a business unit of Focal. “For us, a leading edge routing platform withadvanced redundancy features is a key requirement and the ERX-1400 will meetthe needs of our expanding network.”
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