FRANKFURT, Germany -- DE-CIX, the world’s leading Internet Exchange operator headquartered in Frankfurt am Main (Germany), announces today the implementation of its newest interconnection platform, DE-CIX Apollon. This cutting-edge, scalable Ethernet platform will be the world’s largest and most advanced.DE-CIX operates carrier-neutral exchanges for carriers, Internet service providers, content delivery networks and cloud computing providers in Frankfurt, Germany and Dubai, United Arab Emirates. DE-CIX in Frankfurt currently serves and connects over 500 networks from more than 50 countries.Built with the latest technology to ensure the highest availability and best performance, DE-CIX Apollon utilizes ADVA Optical Networking’s flagship FSP 3000 platform, which provides transport speeds of up to 2 Terabits/sec per fiber pair. The switching layer is powered by Alcatel-Lucent’s Core Router 7950 XRS, which supports the world-leading port density of up to 80 100 Gigabit Ethernet ports per chassis. The core of the DE-CIX Apollon network is based on four supernodes that are built from the Alcatel-Lucent 7950 XRS and which are fed by customer-facing switches, both located at secure locations spread throughout the Frankfurt metro. DE-CIX Management GmbH