FREMONT, Calif. -- Inkra Networks today announced that Data393, a premier provider of IT infrastructure, Web hosting, and e-business solutions, has selected Inkra's 1504GX Virtual Service Switches to enhance and expand its service offerings while drastically reducing capital and operational expenses. Data393 joins the ranks of premier forward-thinking e-business solutions providers such as IBM, EDS, and SAVVIS who have selected the Inkra Virtual Service Switch to power their e-business platforms. The company is migrating its customers from the existing platform -- which consists of a variety of disparate systems including Cisco, Foundry, and Checkpoint equipment -- to Inkra's virtualized platform to further differentiate their services offerings with faster, more flexible customer and service provisioning.
Prior to deploying Inkra's Virtual Service Switch, the company had attempted to virtualize its data center infrastructure on competitors' platforms, but ran into a variety of cost, scalability, and management issues that prohibited it from moving forward. After extensive evaluation of the economic and performance benefits of Inkra's virtualized switches, Data393 chose Inkra to replace competitors' equipment based on the ability of Inkra's virtualization technology to scale services while significantly reducing hardware costs. Since beginning the migration of customers from its old infrastructure to the Inkra platform over the past 30 days, Data393 estimates that it has experienced up to a 50 percent reduction in the engineering time required to turn up services and up to an 80 percent reduction in capital expenses associated with purchasing new, non-virtualized equipment.
"Our customers want services that can adapt quickly to changes in their core businesses, and at Data393 we are constantly evaluating new technologies that will enhance the services we offer our customers while reducing the cost and the amount of time it takes to deliver and manage those services," said Adam Hudson, CTO of Data393. "Inkra's virtualized switches reduce the cost, time, and complexity of scaling and delivering new services, which provides us with a competitive advantage by enabling us to easily configure, deploy, and scale new services in a matter of hours. Inkra's solution is the ideal platform for cost-effectively delivering e-business services to the customer that wants services up and running yesterday."
Inkra Networks
Data393 Inc.