SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO), the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet, today announced that AT&T has deployed the Cisco ONS 15454 SONET Multiservice Platform and Cisco Transport Manager, components of Cisco's Complete Optical Multiservice Edge and Transport (COMET) portfolio, in its nationwide intelligent optical network. Currently connecting more than 40 cities nationwide and carrying live customer traffic, the carrier's new intelligent optical network will carry Private Line, Internet, voice, data and video traffic while restoring service faster in the event of a failure or disaster and significantly improving service delivery intervals.
"With these Cisco platforms at the edge of our intelligent optical network, AT&T is able to maximize service variety, bringing all types of traffic to our customers cost-effectively, densely packed onto single fibers while significantly improving service velocity through rapid and efficient provisioning," said George W. Gawrys, director of transport network planning, AT&T Laboratories. "AT&T continues its leadership in optical networking by deploying these next-generation technologies to build a revolutionary intelligent optical network and deliver even greater value to our customers."
After a comprehensive evaluation, AT&T chose the Cisco products because their functionality matched AT&T's reliability and operational requirements. Systems passed rigorous certification testing at the AT&T Laboratories in New Jersey and are now carrying live customer traffic on the AT&T network.
"Cisco understands the extreme importance of reliability and high availability in today's service provider networks. Information is rapidly becoming the most valuable asset to the enterprise customer, and having access to that information from anywhere, at anytime, is crucial to business success," said Bill Nuti, senior vice president, worldwide service provider operations, Cisco Systems. "Meeting the rigorous certification requirements of AT&T Laboratories is a significant achievement that underscores Cisco's commitment to our service provider customers."
Cisco Systems Inc.