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A Nokia sale of mobile, especially to the US, would be nuts
Nokia's hiring of Intel's Justin Hotard to be its new CEO has set tongues wagging again about a mobile exit, but it would look counterintuitive and inadvisable.
Iowa-based cooperative plans to leverage Calix E7 ESAP and broad ONT portfolio to enable gigabit Ethernet speeds
April 26, 2010
PETALUMA, Calif. -- Calix (NYSE: CALX) today announced that IowaILEC South Slope Cooperative Communications Company has selected the CalixUnified Access portfolio to bring Active Ethernet (AE) solutions to 14,000homes and businesses across the communities it serves. The company plans tomove "Fiber Forward," replacing its aging copper infrastructures with anadvanced, standards-based fiber access network engineered to deliver onegigabit per second (Gbps) to every premises. This recently launched phasedfive-year, $60 million project, the value of which includes plantengineering, materials, labor, and other costs including access equipment,is designed to deliver highly-demanded services such as IPTV, symmetricalresidential and business data services, and reliable voice over internetprotocol (VOIP) services, by leveraging fiber to increase network capacitywhile also reducing operational expenses.
"As we looked at the growth in bandwidth use among our subscribers todayand the prospect of increased competition in our serving areas, we knew itwas time to boldly upgrade our network infrastructure," said J.R. Brumley,chief executive officer at South Slope Cooperative Communications Company."We could already see on the horizon a need for 50-100 Mbps per home, andrealized that if we didn't aim higher, we'd be going through this sameexercise again in a few years' time. With innovative fiber access solutionsfrom Calix, we believe we can cost-effectively leapfrog our competition,thrill our residential and business subscribers, and instantiate a networkdesigned to address the needs of tomorrow."
Calix Inc. (NYSE: CALX)
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