SAN JOSE, Calif. -- 2Wire, a provider of broadband solutions, today announced that BT has begun deploying 2Wire HomePortal® intelligent gateways to connect subscribers to BT's new super-fast, fiber-based broadband network. BT's deployment of fiber to the premises services at Ebbsfleet (UK) is the first step of the BT Next Generation Access (NGA) strategy.
"For more than five years, 2Wire has supported BT and its customers with reliable, high-quality residential gateways," said Sean Parham, executive vice president and general manager, Gateway and Management Systems at 2Wire. "We are honored to have been chosen by BT to support this bold new venture, and excited that even more BT customers will experience the benefits of a whole-home, high-speed network enabled by a HomePortal gateway."
2Wire Inc.