Huawei Open Digital Telco Summit
Huawei Technologies gathered industry leaders, industry analysts and the media at the the B4 Plaza Hotel in Nice, France, to outline the future of digital communications -- here's what happened.
June 1, 2015
NICE, France -- HUAWEI OPEN DIGITAL TELCO SUMMIT 2015 -- Hundreds of communications networking industry executives, industry analysts and the media convened at B4 Plaza Hotel in Nice, France, on Monday June 1 to focus on the evolution of digital communications services and the role of the critical supporting technologies that will enable a new era of multimedia services and applications.
Here's a pictorial review of the day's proceedings, which will be updated as the day unfolds: Click on the picture below to start the slide show.
Figure 1: Preparing For the Crowds The calm before the storm... Huawei's team was all set up for about 200 industry executives, analysts and media to join them at the B4 Plaza hotel in central Nice, France. The subject? The screen says it all.
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