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A Nokia sale of mobile, especially to the US, would be nuts
Nokia's hiring of Intel's Justin Hotard to be its new CEO has set tongues wagging again about a mobile exit, but it would look counterintuitive and inadvisable.
Consolidated revenue exceeds TL 5 billion in H109
July 21, 2009
ANKARA, Turkey -- Türk Telekom announced 2009 first half results. The Company’s H1 2009 consolidatedrevenues exceeded TL 5.1 billion with an increase of 3.5 percent compared to the sameperiod of 2008. The Company’s consolidated EBITDA* maintained at TL 2.1 billion with amargin of 42%.
2009 First Half Highlights
Türk Telekom’s consolidated revenue exceeded TL 5.1 billion inH109 with a growth of 3.5% compared to the same period of 2008
Türk Telekom’s consolidated EBITDA margin maintained at 42%despite mobile price war and cost of investment in mobile growth
Fixed line business EBITDA Margin stayed above 50% in H109
Against an expected background of minimal growth in the mobilemarket in Q209 mobile revenues managed a 17 % growth and reached TL625 million
With the impact of strong ADSL ARPU growth supported by increasein Value Added Service Usage, ADSL revenues improved 29% in H109compared to the same period of last year
*EBITDA is a non-GAAP financial measure. The EBITDA definition used in this press release includes Revenues, Direct Cost ofRevenues excluding depreciation and amortization, Selling and Marketing expenses, Administrative expenses, and other operatingincome/(expense), but excludes translation gain/(loss), financial income, income on unconsolidated subsidiaries, gain on sale ofinvestments, income/(loss) from related parties, and minority interest.
H1 2009 Results
Commenting on Türk Telekom’s results, Dr. Paul Doany, Chief Executive Officer of
Türk Telekom, declared the following:
As the leading telecommunication and convergence technology group of Turkey, wecontinued our satisfactory financial and operational performance in the first half of theyear. Consolidated revenues reached 5.1 billion TL with a 3.5% increase compared tosame period of last year. ADSL and Mobile were the main drivers of this consolidatedrevenue growth with 29% and 14% revenue growth respectively.We maintained strong Consolidated EBITDA margin of 42% despite intense pricecompetition in mobile sector and cost of investing in mobile growth.Despite minimal growth expectations in total mobile market Avea’s revenues reached625 million TL in the second quarter which was a 17% growth with respect to the firstquarter. We decided to repay 670 million USD of the debt in our mobile subsidiary Aveato enable greater operational flexibility for Avea in the mobile market, thus enabling itto achieve its full potential to become a strong number two, well ahead of VodafoneTurkey.
We are very excited to see the solid results of steps towards technological innovation.We will introduce a new technology developed by Turk Telekom Group that will enableto use fixed line service on a mobile phone equipped with Wifi. This technology willmake it possible to use both fixed and Mobile Operator services on the same mobilephone by just downloading the Turk Telekom developed software over the air, from asimple sms sent from the mobile phone. We are also excited to offer 3G technology bywhich we will provide complementary mobile internet offers through all ISP’s using ourhigh capacity fixed internet and extensive Wifi hotspots in the country. We will continueto bring value to our customers with new innovative converged services.
Türk Telekomunikasyon A.S.
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