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A Nokia sale of mobile, especially to the US, would be nuts
Nokia's hiring of Intel's Justin Hotard to be its new CEO has set tongues wagging again about a mobile exit, but it would look counterintuitive and inadvisable.
Its 5500 NGX system consolidates features of the Tellabs 6400 transport switch and the 5500 digital crossconnect system
February 10, 2003
NAPERVILLE, Ill. -- Helping incumbent carriers leverage existing network investments, Tellabs is launching its new Tellabs 5500 NGX next-generation cross-connect. The new Tellabs 5500 NGX system combines flexible bandwidth management with unmatched optical and electrical densities to greatly simplify networks and dramatically cut costs.The Tellabs 5500 NGX system represents the seamless evolution of the industry-leading Tellabs 5500 digital cross-connect system - with more than 4,000 systems in use today - to support dense, high-speed optical transport and management of any traffic types, including wideband, broadband and data. The Tellabs 5500 NGX system combines the highly integrated optical and data bandwidth management features of the Tellabs® 6400 transport switch with the proven performance of the market-leading Tellabs 5500 digital cross-connect system. The Tellabs 5500 NGX system is a cost-effective solution that enables carriers to seamlessly migrate their existing investment to a highly-integrated, well-managed next-generation network."Service providers already have more than 4,000 Tellabs 5500 systems deployed, making it one of the industry's most vital and successful products," said Sam Greenholtz, senior analyst with CIR, a communications industry analyst firm. "Service providers will be thrilled that Tellabs is meeting their evolving needs with the Tellabs 5500 NGX system, a next-generation cross-connect that leverages their investment and provides compelling cost savings over existing network models."Tellabs Inc.
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