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A Nokia sale of mobile, especially to the US, would be nuts
Nokia's hiring of Intel's Justin Hotard to be its new CEO has set tongues wagging again about a mobile exit, but it would look counterintuitive and inadvisable.
TelePacific Communications signs long-term contracts with AT&T
March 8, 2007
LOS ANGELES -- AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T )today announced that TelePacific Communications, a leading provider ofbusiness telecommunications network solutions, has signed long-termwholesale contracts with the AT&T local telephone companies and AT&T's longdistance affiliate that will enable TelePacific to expand its operationswithin California and Nevada. Under the five-year contracts, which areworth $180 million, AT&T will provide TelePacific with wholesale longdistance voice services and special access services for DS1 and DS3transport.
AT&T Wholesale solutions enable carriers to offer a complete range ofservices, including traditional voice and data services and innovativevalue-added IP services to their customers. TelePacific benefits from usingAT&T Network Connection (ANC), the flagship voice platform backed by thequality, reliability and reach of the AT&T global network. The ANC platformprovides high-volume unbranded transport and termination access of longdistance voice traffic.
"Since 2003, our relationship with AT&T Wholesale has been a criticalpart of our growth and success in the industry," said Dick Jalkut,president and CEO of TelePacific. "We chose to enter into long-termwholesale contracts with AT&T for its scalable infrastructure, pricingcertainty, guaranteed availability and high-quality service that enable usto seamlessly meet our customers' needs while expanding our operations."
AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T)
TelePacific Communications
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