FORNEBU, Norway and BANGKOK -- DTAC CEO Mr. Sigve Brekke takes up the position as head of Telenor Region Asia and joins Telenor's Group Executive Management on September 1st 2008. Brekke succeeds Mr. Arve Johansen, who returns to the Telenor Headquarters in Norway as a special advisor to the CEO. Mr. Tore Johnsen will take over as new CEO of DTAC.
"We are very pleased that Sigve Brekke will join the Group Executive Management, and look forward to benefiting from his many years of experience in our international operations. His strategic competence and operational knowledge are qualities that will benefit both Telenor and our companies," said Telenor President and CEO, Mr. Jon Fredrik Baksaas.
Prior to joining DTAC in 2002, Brekke worked at Telenor's Singapore office for three years. In his career, Sigve Brekke has served as the Deputy Minister (State Secretary) of Defence in Norway in 1993, and has also held positions at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment and had an associate position at John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University in the USA. Under his supervision, DTAC has become a major mobile operator in Thailand with 16.7 million customers (Q1 '08).
"I am looking forward to take on a regional role in Telenor Asia. I am grateful for getting this opportunity, and it will be exciting to broaden the horizon and to further develop Telenor's operations both on a regional and a group level," said Sigve Brekke, CEO of DTAC and future Head of Telenor Asia.
Replacing Mr. Brekke as CEO of DTAC is Mr. Tore Johnsen, CEO of Telenor Pakistan since the inception in 2004. Before moving to Pakistan, Johnsen served four years as Strategy Director and later CEO of DiGi Telecommunications in Malaysia. He joined the Telenor Group in 1974, and he has held a number of managerial positions and international assignments. Johnsen holds a Master of Science in addition to studies in International Business Management. A new CEO of Telenor Pakistan will be announced in due time before September 1st.
Telenor Group (Nasdaq: TELN)