SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. -- Telecom Asset Management Group LLC (TAM), leaders in the global reallocation of telecom assets, today formally announced its sophisticated service for the disposition and acquisition of complex telecom assets. This service is aimed at carriers, service providers, investment banks, private equity firms, and telecom-intensive enterprises worldwide.TAM offers a full compliment of high-value services to help clients reorganize their portfolio of telecom assets and monetize under-performing or non-essential assets through private sale. These services include asset analysis, valuation, disposition, acquisition, sales strategies, and vendor workouts.San-Francisco based TAM recently concluded a multi-million dollar sale of optical network electronics, gigabit routers, and data switches on behalf a major North American carrier. In less than three weeks, TAM worked with the client to develop a sales strategy, negotiate vendor contract transfers, execute the sale, and manage the bidding process. TAM also conducted a global sales and marketing effort that targeted hundreds of prospective buyers. The sale produced a dramatic increase in the number and quality of offers for the client and increased their total return by more than 100%.“TAM recognized a need for a new approach to selling complex assets as telcos began streamlining their business operations to maximize profitability,” said Michael Scheele, managing partner of TAM and 20-year telecom industry veteran. “Typically asset sales have been handled by investment banks, which tend to focus on selling going concerns, or by liquidators, which are best at selling commodity assets. The vast majority of telecom assets coming into the market are technically complex and do not fall into either of these categories.”Telecom Asset Management Group (TAM)